Leading wholesalers
in Greece

They provide high-level distribution services in medicines, OTC (over-the-counter), para pharmaceutical, cosmetic, orthopedic and other products.
They have been excellently serving Greek pharmacies for more than 40 years.


Why work with COSMOFARM SA?

COSMOFARM SA started its activity in 1982 with a vision of excellence, structured and fast service of Greek pharmacies, as well as the correct and direct distribution of medicines to them, with the aim of their smooth operation for the benefit of society.

Over the years, and having an uninterrupted presence of 40 years in the field, it expanded its activity even further, covering the full range of products that today’s Greek pharmacies sell. In addition, they upgraded their equipment with state-of-the-art machinery and corresponding software, ensuring the provision of high-quality certified services and coverage of the needs and requirements of modern pharmacies.

Quality, immediate, and safe customer service is a commitment for COSMOFARM SA, and it is their main priority. One commitment is also respect for the environment, which is ensured by the proper use of resources and the recycling of paper and plastic products while running a fully functional facility.


Our Products

COSMOFARM S.A. distributes a full range of pharmaceuticals, non-pharmaceuticals, para pharmaceuticals, orthopedics, etc., products. They even offers a wide range of cosmetics, horticultural and dietary products at the most competitive prices.

They make sure their partners get special offers and supports them by supplying them with all the top brands, seasonal items, and products with the greatest market demand.

Over-the-Counter Products

We carry the full range of OTC products to service our pharmacies. Our OTC products are handled with the same care and high standard we use to distribute and store our prescription products.

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Investing in
the Future

COSMOFARM SA is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery to provide better and faster service to its partner pharmacies. Its primary purpose is to ensure quality, accuracy, and speed in the distribution of its products. At the facilities of COSMOFARM S.A., ROWA technologies are used for procurement automation, order fulfillment, and inventory management.
ROWA boasts a zero error rate, making the order collection process faster and fully automated.

We also use...

SSI system

Enables High productivity during peak hours.

Pick To Cart

Pick to cart system which collects up to 4 orders at the same time.

Pick by light system

Digital displays on product shelves.

Cart By Light system

It is the combination of pick by light and pick to cart to collect 4 orders in one route on the digital shelves.


“Honoring our customer, is all we do”



Quality for Totality Upgreat

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